Creating Manually

Setting up Data Forwarder Manually

Below is an example of how to set up a data forwarder using Meshblu Utility and jq. It is based on the scenario described in What They Are


#!/usr/bin/env bash


if [ -z "$SERVICE_URL" ]; then
   echo "usage: ./ <SERVICE_URL>"
   exit 1;

mkdir ./tmp

echo "creating Endoskeleton device"
meshblu-util register -d '{"type": "endoskeleton"}' > ./tmp/endoskeleton-meshblu.json
ENDOSKELETON_UUID=$(cat ./tmp/endoskeleton-meshblu.json | jq -r '.uuid')
ENDOSKELETON_TOKEN=$(cat ./tmp/endoskeleton-meshblu.json | jq -r '.token')
echo "endoskeleton is: $ENDOSKELETON_UUID"

echo "creating Doorbell device"
meshblu-util register -d '{"type": "doorbell"}' > ./tmp/doorbell-meshblu.json
DOORBELL_UUID=$(cat ./tmp/doorbell-meshblu.json | jq -r '.uuid')
DOORBELL_TOKEN=$(cat ./tmp/doorbell-meshblu.json | jq -r '.token')
echo "doorbell is: $DOORBELL_UUID"

echo "adding Doorbell to Endoskeleton's message.from whitelist"
meshblu-util update -p -d "{\"\$addToSet\": {\"meshblu.whitelists.message.from\": {\"uuid\": \"$DOORBELL_UUID\"}}}" ./tmp/endoskeleton-meshblu.json

echo "creating Forwarder device"
meshblu-util register -d '{"type": "forwarder"}' > ./tmp/forwarder-meshblu.json
FORWARDER_UUID=$(cat ./tmp/forwarder-meshblu.json | jq -r '.uuid')
FORWARDER_TOKEN=$(cat ./tmp/forwarder-meshblu.json | jq -r '.token')
echo "forwarder is: $FORWARDER_UUID"

echo "adding webhook to forwarder"
meshblu-util create-hook -t message.received -U $SERVICE_URL ./tmp/forwarder-meshblu.json

echo "adding forwarder to Endoskeleton's message.received whitelist"
meshblu-util update -p -d "{\"\$addToSet\": {\"meshblu.whitelists.message.received\": {\"uuid\": \"$FORWARDER_UUID\"}}}" ./tmp/endoskeleton-meshblu.json

echo "Subscribing Forwarder to it's own messages"
meshblu-util subscription-create -e $FORWARDER_UUID -s $FORWARDER_UUID -t message.received ./tmp/forwarder-meshblu.json

echo "Subscribing Forwarder to Endoskeleton's received messages"
meshblu-util subscription-create -e $ENDOSKELETON_UUID -s $FORWARDER_UUID -t message.received ./tmp/forwarder-meshblu.json


Once the configuration script above is run, sending any message to the Endoskeleton device will result in a message forwarded to the service url.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo "Ringing that doorbell!"
ENDOSKELETON_UUID=$(jq -r '.uuid' < ./tmp/endoskeleton-meshblu.json)

meshblu-util message -d \
"{\"devices\": [\"$ENDOSKELETON_UUID\"], \"payload\": \"Hey, Endoskeleton. Somebody's at the door. Do something about it.\"}" \

Running the configuration script with a Request Bin url will result in a post that looks like:


Note the bearer token in the Authorization header of the request. This can be used to authenticate with Meshblu as the device that received the message.